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212 Canterbury RD
Blackburn South VIC 3130

Phone: 03 9894 1161
Mobile: 0404 666 184

Ask a Naturopath


Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the most Frequently Asked Questions in regards to Naturopathy and our Treatments.

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Questions frequently asked of Kush Health

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Health is derived from the word “whole” and describes a state of harmony at every level of being, mind body and soul. It is not simply just the absence of disease.

“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”- Hippocrates.


The initial consultation takes approximately one hour and involves taking a full detailed history of your health issues, past and present together with an assessment of your diet and nutrition as well as clinical assessment. If needed, some simple tests may be carried out. The following appointment will involve sending off for some pathology and salivary testing if required. Kush will then formulate a tailored treatment plan to address your health issues which may include herbs and supplements, as well as dietary and lifestyle advice.

How does a Naturopath treat?

1. Do no harm

Natural medicine is safe. Naturopaths train for 3-4 years and therefore it is advisable to get professional advice rather then self prescribing, which will save you all the guess work out of self prescribing and money in the long run.

2. Treat the cause

Treating the cause of your illness and not just eliminating the symptoms, takes a little longer, but the results mean you don’t have repeating symptoms.

3. Treat each person individually and holistically, which is mind, body and spirit.

Every person will have an individual treatment plan made up for them, because each person has had a different journey and no two people are the same, which is why we do not take a textbook approach to any illness.

4. Healing Power of Nature

Herbs are the closest to nature and have been around for thousands of years. Hippocrates “the Father of Medicine 2500 years ago, spoke about the “Healing Power of Nature”

5. Educating you to take responsibility for your health and wellbeing.

We take the time to educate you about several topics like what is the best diet and lifestyle choices, nutritional benefits of foods, what is healthy and unhealthy, as there are several schools of thoughts on so many topics which can be confusing at times.

6. Prevention is the best cure

Keeping you in optimal health and making sure you can sustain it.

About Kush Vatchha

Kush Vatchha combines her kind and compassionate nature with 8 years of clinical skills to empower you to reach your full health potential.

Working hours

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM -5.30 PM. Tuesdays: 9.00 AM -7.30 PM. Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Our Location

P.O Box- 4525 Knox City Centre, Wantirna South VIC 3152

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